The Best 5 jQuery Examples That You Should Know

A number of ‘helper’ techniques in jQuery make web development easier. Developers can use them to construct DOM (Document Object Model) interactions without having to write as much JavaScript manually. All of the library’s methods are stored in a global variable created by jQuery. This global variable’s naming convention is $. You may access all of the jQuery methods by typing $. In this article, we’ll look at five of the best jquery examples.

Getting started: To get started with jQuery, there are two options:

On a local level, use jQuery: Download the jQuery library from and include it in your HTML code.

Use a content delivery network (CDN) to provide your material: You can use a CDN to get access to the jQuery library (Content Delivery Network).


 jQuery uses CSS-style selectors to select portions or items in an HTML page. Then you can interact with the elements using jQuery methods or functions. Type $ to use one of these selectors. The method jQuery() is shortened as jQuery (). Within the parenthesis, type the element you want to choose. You can choose between single- and double-quotes. After that, put a dot and the method you want to use after the parenthesis. The selections for class and ID in jQuery are comparable to those in CSS. In jQuery, the class and ID selectors are the same as in CSS. To select components with a certain class, type a dot (.) followed by the class name. To choose components with a specific ID, use the hash symbol (#) and the ID name. Because HTML is case-insensitive, it’s best to keep HTML markup and CSS selectors in lowercase.

HTML Method: 

The jQuery.html() method returns or sets the content of an HTML element.


Use the following syntax to get the content of an HTML element:



For example:



To set the content of a HTML element, use this syntax:


For example:

$(‘p’).html(‘Hello World!’);

That will set the content of all of the <p> elements to Hello World!

The element’s content is set in HTML format using the.html() method. If the content is provided by the user, this could be harmful. If you need to set non-HTML strings as content, consider utilizing the.text() method instead.

Click Method: 

The jQuery Click method calls a function when an element is clicked. The function is termed a “handler” because it handles the click event. Functions can modify the HTML element associated with the click using the jQuery Click method, or they can change something else entirely. The click method takes the handler code as an argument and executes it every time the element #clickMe is clicked. The handler function receives an eventObject as a parameter that can be used to control the activity.

CSS Method: 

The.css() method of jQuery returns the value of a computed style property for the first element in a group of matched elements or sets one or more CSS properties for each matched element.


use the following syntax:



To set a specified CSS property, use the following syntax:



        ‘background’: ‘gray’,

        ‘color’: ‘white’


Refer to this example if you wish to alter a property labeled with more than one word:

To change the color of an element’s background


The mousedown event occurs when the left mouse button is pressed. To activate the mousedown event for the specified element, use the following syntax: $(selector). mousedown();

syntax: $(selector).mousedown(function); 

The mousedown method is usually used in conjunction with a function that is tied to the mousedown event.); When #example is clicked, the website will notify “Example was clicked.”

Final Thoughts: There are numerous jquery examples to learn. It’s impossible to provide all of this on a single blog. However, the top five examples are shown above to assist you with your tasks.  If you want to learn more examples, YouTube is the best place to learn them. You may find a number of jQuery examples on YouTube. The only issue with YouTube is that it is difficult to learn new things quickly. The videos are not organized in any way. 

To fix that difficulty, we have something for you! 

Learning effective is now easier than ever with online learning, especially when there are online learning platforms like LearnTube which presents you with the top most curated content.  Sign-up to LearnTube, select your course and start learning! 

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