How To Build A Robot Using Arduino And Sensors.

Building a robot is an exciting and rewarding experience that combines electronics, mechanics, and programming skills. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of building a robot using Arduino and sensors. The robot we are going to build will be able to navigate and avoid obstacles using ultrasonic sensors.

Materials Required:

  • Arduino Uno or any other compatible board
  • Ultrasonic sensors (2)
  • Motor driver module
  • DC motors (2)
  • Chassis
  • Wheels
  • Battery pack
  • Jumper wires

Step-by-Step Guide:

Assemble the Chassis: Start by assembling the chassis for your robot. You can use any type of material for the chassis, but for this project, we will be using an acrylic sheet. Cut the sheet into the desired shape and attach the motors and wheels to the chassis using screws.

Connect the Motor Driver: Connect the motor driver module to the Arduino board using jumper wires. Make sure to follow the correct pin configuration for the module. Connect the two DC motors to the driver module.

Connect the Ultrasonic Sensors: Connect the two ultrasonic sensors to the Arduino board using jumper wires. The sensors should be connected to the “Echo” and “Trig” pins on the board.

Upload the Code: Open the Arduino IDE and write the code for the robot. The code will be responsible for reading the sensor data and controlling the motors based on the readings. You can use the code provided below or modify it to suit your needs.

#include <NewPing.h>

#define TRIG_PIN_LEFT 4

#define ECHO_PIN_LEFT 5

#define TRIG_PIN_RIGHT 2

#define ECHO_PIN_RIGHT 3

#define MAX_DISTANCE 200



int motor_left_1 = 10;

int motor_left_2 = 9;

int motor_right_1 = 6;

int motor_right_2 = 7;

void setup() {

  pinMode(motor_left_1, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(motor_left_2, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(motor_right_1, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(motor_right_2, OUTPUT);



void loop() {


  unsigned int left_distance = sonar_left.ping_cm();

  unsigned int right_distance = sonar_right.ping_cm();


  Serial.print(” “);


  if (left_distance > 30 && right_distance > 30) {



  else if (left_distance < right_distance) {



  else {




void forward() {

  digitalWrite(motor_left_1, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(motor_left_2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(motor_right_1, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(motor_right_2, LOW);


void turn_left() {

  digitalWrite(motor_left_1, LOW);

  digitalWrite(motor_left_2, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(motor_right_1, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(motor_right_2, LOW);


void turn_right() {

  digitalWrite(motor_left_1, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(motor_left_2, LOW);

  digitalWrite(motor_right_1, LOW);

  digitalWrite(motor_right_2, HIGH);


Once you have written the code, upload it to the Arduino board.

Choose the right sensors: There are many types of sensors that can be used with an Arduino-based robot. Some common options include ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, touch sensors, and light sensors. Choose the sensors that best fit the needs of your robot and your project goals.

Design the robot’s body: Before you start building the robot’s body, you should have a clear idea of what you want it to look like and how it will move. You can use a 3D printer, laser cutter, or other tools to create a custom body for your robot.

Connect the sensors to the Arduino board: Once you have your sensors and robot body ready, it’s time to connect everything to the Arduino board. Follow the instructions for each sensor to connect it to the appropriate pins on the board.

Test the robot: Once the code is uploaded to the board, it’s time to test the robot. Try different scenarios and see how the robot responds to changes in its environment. If there are any issues, you can modify the code and re-upload it to the board.

Add additional features: If you want to add additional features to your robot, such as Bluetooth connectivity or a camera, you can do so using additional sensors and modules. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and integrate these features into your code.

Document your work: Documenting your work is important for troubleshooting and sharing your project with others. Take photos, record videos, and keep a log of any modifications you make to your robot.

Conclusion: Building a robot using Arduino and sensors can be a fun and rewarding project for both beginners and advanced makers. By following these steps, you can create a custom robot that can interact with its environment in new and exciting ways.

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