Frequently Asked Questions on TallyPrime

Like everyone else who uses Tally, you have questions. You have unresolved issues. That’s why we’ve created this post. This blog is a compilation of the various TallyPrime FAQs or commonly asked questions. It covers several TallyPrime sections as well as the answers to each TallyPrime question. Let’s get started.

What is Financial Year?

A financial year is a 12-month period that normally starts on the day that was designated as the start of the financial year for the company when it was formed. The fiscal year in India runs from April 1 through March 31 of the following year.

How to create a new Parent group during Group / Ledger entry?

If you notice while entering or changing an Account Group or Account Ledger that the Parent Group does not already exist, click Alt+C at the Under box (or select Create from the list of Groups) to open the Account Group Creation page (Secondary). Create the parent Account Group as usual and choose it from the Under section. This is referred to as Indirect Method of Master Creation.

How to carry Narration in the Current Voucher, during voucher entry, from the preceding voucher? 

To continue the narration that was typed in the preceding voucher, press Ctrl+R. After having the narration from the prior coupon transferred, you can change (alter) it as you see fit in the current voucher. As you enter successive vouchers for transactions with the same features, you can quickly write consistent Narration text.

How I can print the current voucher from the Voucher Entry screen?

To access the printing screen for a voucher after entering it on the entry screen, press Ctrl+P. Click C: Configure and/or the Configuration option to alter it. Click the P: Print button to print the current voucher.

How to print Cash Book from Display. What is the difference between Cash Book Display and Cash Book printed from Display screen?

To access the Cash Book Printing screen at the Cash Book Display (F-1A), click the P: Print button (F-2). Type Y to get Cash Book in Print (F-1B).

The transactions are first shown in Display Format and in the order that they occurred. The Opening and Closing Balance for the specified period at the end of the Report. You can drill down inside a voucher to view it in editing mode.

In print format, the date order of the transactions is shown after the Opening Balance. At the end of the Report, the Closing Balance is shown. similar to a vintage Cash Book. In print format, drilling is not possible.

How the Account Groups & Ledger Accounts in Trial Balance is organized?

The Primary Major Groups (Reserved Groups) are stated first, followed by Liability, Assets, Income, and Expenses. The Subgroups & Ledger are presented under each parent Group in descending order. The Group / Ledger Accounts are presented in the Trial Balance in an orderly manner, with Sub-Totals & Grand Totals at each group level.

The directors of a company opted to report the current-year loss to miscellaneous expenses on the balance sheet rather than reporting the loss amount under the profit and loss account. What is the issue?

To move the current year’s loss to Misc Expenses. Create an Account Misc Expenses under the Group Misc Expenses (Asset), you must use a Journal Voucher.

Does the Balance Sheet Display show Balance of Ledger Accounts also?

When you display the balance sheet in its condensed form (GoT>Balance Sheet), only the Primary Major Groups are initially displayed. Press the Alt key and the F1 key at the same time to reveal the next level details (next level Groups / Ledgers). Therefore, if it was placed directly under any of the Major Groups of the Balance Sheet, just that Ledger would be displayed on the Balance Sheet in Detailed Format.

Conclusion: The majority of professionals typically ask these common questions. If you’re looking for more answers you can always go to YouTube and watch tutorial videos. On YouTube, there are thousands of videos on Tally. For YouTube hand-holding training, use Career Ninja’sLearnTube. Learn Tube creates a course framework from the results of your YouTube search. If you search for “Tally tutorial” on YouTube, LearnTube will show you a series of videos that look like an online course. As a beginner, you’ll go through the videos from beginning to end, as if you were taking a YouTube course customized particularly for you.

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