5 Best UI Design Practices to Make You a Pro

The user interface design is one of the most important aspects of any website or app. Users will find using a website or app with good UI design to be simple and enjoyable. A few simple steps can help you improve your user interface design. Here are five UI design best practices to consider. You’ll be able to create user-friendly interfaces if you follow these rules.

  1. Get to know your customers: You must have a thorough understanding of both your internal and external users. Yes, knowing all your analytics app(s) can pull in terms of demographic data is required. But, perhaps, more importantly, it necessitates an awareness of what they require and what is keeping them from achieving their goals. To achieve that level of empathy, more than a thorough review of statistics is required. It necessitates getting to know your website’s visitors. It means speaking with them face-to-face, observing them use your product, and asking them questions. Don’t just consider what your users want. By delving further, you can learn what they require. After all, wants are nothing more than unfulfilled needs.
  1. Use a single font: Typography makes up approximately 90% of any web page on the internet. The photos and other design elements will most likely be useless to the visitor if you delete them. It’s in our best interests to pay attention to type if it takes up more than 90% of the space on a page. It’s possible you’ve heard that employing a small number of typefaces in your designs is a smart idea. This number is typically reduced to no more than two or three. This is correct; yet, we believe that one, rather than two or three, is sufficient. Begin by mastering the use of only one font family in your designs, then progress to two or three font families.
  1. Use grids to your advantage: You’d have no idea where to put each item on a page to make it look nice at first glance. For this reason, grids can be utilized to increase the quality of your designs quickly. You may create a coherent composition by using a grid to guarantee that the spacing between different parts is consistent. There are also gridless designs, but just as in life, you must first learn the rules before breaking them appropriately. So start with the grid system and then progress to designs that stray from it. 
  1. Make use of negative or white space as needed: The pieces of a page require some breathing room. When you cram a lot of design elements into a small area, they all blend together and no one stands out. It’d be a complete disaster. Use negative or white space in your design instead. Remove any unnecessary things from the page until only what you require remains, and then give each piece some breathing room.
  1. Make use of colors sparingly: Mastering color theory and its implementation in actual design take a lot of effort and years of practice. Some people are born with a natural talent for it, but we mere mortals need to put in a lot of practice time. Use as few colors as feasible in your design. It takes a lot of practice to perfect the art of mixing and blending different combinations of colors to create a beautiful design. Colors should be used in a 70–30–10 ratio. 70% of the color would be made up of your background color, such as white. A secondary color, such as black, would account for 30% of the overall color. 10 percent color should be used to highlight buttons and other Call to Action components in your design.

Final Thoughts: The tutorial above goes through the basics of UI practices for any website. If you’re a beginner, this guide will come in handy. Try to implement all of the suggestions in your projects. If you want to learn more about UI, you can always look for free tutorials on YouTube. You may find a number of UI tutorials on YouTube. The only issue with YouTube is that it is a difficult platform to learn new things quickly. The videos are not organized in any way. 

To fix that difficulty, we have something for you! 

Learning effective is now easier than ever with online learning, especially when there are online learning platforms like LearnTube which presents you with the top most curated content.  Sign-up to LearnTube, select your course and start learning! 

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