How to Create and Use Django Templates

Django is a popular web development framework that uses a Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture to build dynamic web applications. Django templates are an essential part of the framework, and they allow developers to create HTML files that can be rendered dynamically based on user input or database queries. In this blog post, we’ll cover the basics of creating and using Django templates.

Creating a Django Template

To create a Django template, you need to create a file with the .html extension in a directory called templates in your Django project directory. For example, if you have an app called myapp in your project, you can create a template file called index.html in myapp/templates/ directory.

Django templates use a syntax that allows you to insert variables and control structures into your HTML code. For example, if you want to display the title of your page, you can use the following code in your template:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>{{ title }}</title>



<h1>Welcome to {{ title }}</h1>



In this code, the double curly braces indicate that the value of the title variable should be inserted into the HTML code at that point. When you render this template, you’ll need to pass a dictionary with a key called title and a value that contains the title of your page.

Using a Django Template

To use a Django template in your views, you need to create a view function that renders the template and passes the required data to it. Here’s an example view function that renders the index.html template we created earlier:

from django.shortcuts import render

def index(request):

context = {‘title’: ‘My Django App’}

return render(request, ‘myapp/index.html’, context)

In this code, we’re using the render() function provided by Django to render the index.html template. We’re also passing a dictionary called context that contains the data we want to display in our template.

When a user visits the URL associated with this view function, Django will render the index.html template with the data we passed in the context dictionary. The rendered HTML will be sent back to the user’s browser as a response.

Points to Consider When Using Django Templates:

Template Inheritance:

Django templates support inheritance, which allows you to create a base template that other templates can inherit from. This is useful for creating consistent layouts across your entire application. To use template inheritance, you can define a base template with the {% block %} tag, which child templates can then override with their own content using the {% extends %} and {% block %} tags.

Template Tags:

Django provides a range of built-in template tags that allow you to perform more advanced logic in your templates. These tags include loops, if statements, filters, and more. You can also create your own custom template tags if you need to perform more complex logic that isn’t covered by the built-in tags.

Template Filters:

Filters are a type of template tag that allow you to modify the value of a variable before it’s inserted into your template. For example, you can use the |date filter to format a date variable in a specific way. Django provides a range of built-in filters that you can use, or you can create your own custom filters.

Context Processors:

Context processors allow you to add variables to the context dictionary for every template in your application. This can be useful for adding global variables that are required by multiple templates, such as the current user or the site’s name. To create a context processor, you can define a function that takes a request object as its argument and returns a dictionary of variables to add to the context.

Template Caching:

Caching is a technique for storing the output of expensive operations (such as database queries) so that they don’t need to be repeated every time a page is loaded. Django provides a built-in caching framework that can be used to cache the output of your templates. You can also use third-party caching solutions such as Memcached or Redis.


Django templates are a powerful tool for creating dynamic web applications. With the ability to insert variables and control structures into your HTML code, you can create dynamic pages that respond to user input and database queries. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you should now have a basic understanding of how to create and use Django templates in your web applications.

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