Top 8 HTML Interview Questions and Answers

This blog covers the most frequently asked HTML questions asked in job interviews. But before we get into the interview questions regarding HTML Language, let’s go through what HTML is, what it does, what career opportunities it provides, and so on. 

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is an acronym that stands for HyperText Markup Language. It was first published in 1993 as a standard text formatting language for web page creation. HTML is a browser-interpretable language that tells the browser what to show and how it should show it.

You must know HTML if you want to work in the web development industry [web designers, web developers]. Because HTML only describes the structure of the data that will be presented on the browser in a webpage, we will need to use CSS and Javascript to make it visually appealing and useful.

HTML5 is the most recent HTML version. The HTML language is made up of two basic components: tags and attributes. The image below depicts some basic HTML tags and characteristics.

Top 8 HTML Interview Questions and Answers

  1. Are the HTML tags and elements the same thing?

No. HTML elements are defined by an opening tag and a closing tag, which may or may not contain text. For example, while h1>Heading 1/h1> is an HTML element, only h1> is a starting tag and /h1> is a closing tag.

  1. What are tags and attributes in HTML? 

Tags are the most significant aspect of HTML since they determine how the content will be formatted and presented, whereas attributes are used in conjunction with HTML tags to describe the element’s characteristics. 

  1. What is the advantage of collapsing white space?

A blank sequence of whitespace characters is considered a single space character in HTML because the browser collapses several spaces into a single space character. This allows a developer to indent lines of text without worrying about extra spaces, while yet keeping HTML codes readable and understandable.

  1. What is the difference between the ‘id’ and ‘class’ attributes of HTML elements?

One element’s class attribute can be shared by many HTML elements, however, an element’s id attribute cannot be shared by another HTML element.

  1. Describe the HTML layout’s structure

Every web page has its own set of components for presenting the required content as well as a distinct user interface. There are, however, a few components that are templated and commonly accepted web page construction methods, such as:

<header>: Keeps track of the initial information on the web page.

<footer>: This is the last section of the page.

<nav>:  The navigation menu on an HTML page.

<article>: It’s a set of information.

<section>: It’s used to define a page’s basic structure within the article block.

<aside>: The sidebar of the page’s content

  1. What are the many Doctypes available?

Doctypes are divided into three categories:

  • Transitional Doctype
  • Strict Doctype 
  • Frameset Doctype
  1. When it comes to cell padding and cell spacing, what’s the difference?

Cell spacing refers to the distance or gap between two adjacent cells. The space or gap between the cell’s text/content and the cell’s edge/border is known as cell padding. Take a look at the example in the graphic above to notice the difference.

  1. How may two or more rows or columns in an HTML table be combined into a single row or column?

The HTML table properties “rowspan” and “colspan” are used to let a cell span multiple rows and columns.

Final Thoughts: After reading this blog, passing your next HTML interview will be a breeze. If you want to learn more about HTML, you can always learn for free on youtube. There are thousands of HTML tutorials on YouTube. Use Career Ninja‘s LearnTube for hand-holding training on YouTube. Learn Tube organizes the results of your YouTube search into a course framework. If you want to learn “HTML tutorials”, search the term on LearnTube and it will show you a bunch of youtube videos like an online course. As a beginner, you’ll click through the videos from the first to the last, as if you were taking an online course tailored specifically for you.

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